
Genghis Khan: Founder of the Mongol Empire dies

Genghis Khan was born around 1162 and died on August 18, 1227. He is considered the founding father of the Mongolian Empire and the creator of the first worldwide postal system.

Born Temujin, a Mongolian warrior and king, one of history's most famous conquerors, his empire stretched from the east coast of China to the Aral Sea.

Early life of Genghis Khan

Khan's father died when he was a teenager. He was to succeed his father, but since he was young, the tribe did not follow him. Temujin's family remained in the steppes.

Temujin, or Genghis Khan, grew into a fearsome warrior as a teenager, gathering supporters and building relationships with other Mongol commanders.

Temüjin's intimidation was so great that many fighters voluntarily joined his side, while those who did not were vanquished and given the choice of obedience or death.

Temujin to Genghis Khan

Temujin became head of the Mongol confederacy in 1206, earning him the title 'Genghis Khan', meaning 'sea' king or 'universal' emperor.

Khan instituted a code of conduct and ordered all his forces to number roughly ten: ten soldiers to a squad, ten squads to a company, ten companies to a regiment, and ten regiments to a "tyumen", numbering 10,000. Was. There was a formidable military structure. Horseman.

By 1209 the Khan was marching against China.

Rise of the Mongolian empire

• Genghis Khan had a vast network of spies which he used to find out the weaknesses of his opponent. 

• When attacking large cities, the Mongols used expedients such as catapults and mangonels, and even diverted rivers to flood the enemy.

• Those who survived were granted religious freedom and security within the rapidly expanding Mongol Empire.

• His vast empire extended from central Russia to the Aral Sea in the west and from northern China to Beijing in the east.

How did Genghis Khan die?

He died on August 18, 1227 at the age of 65. However, many mysteries are associated with the death of Genghis Khan. According to one source, he died due to injuries sustained after falling from a horse. According to another source, he died of blood loss after being castrated by a Tangut princess.

The most widespread belief is that he died while suppressing a rebellion in the Chinese Empire of Shi Xia.

Genghis Khan's burial

He was buried in an unmarked grave at the suggestion of Genghis Khan. Because the Khan wanted his death to be kept private, his successors murdered everyone who saw the funeral procession. His final resting place is unknown.

Even after Genghis Khan's death, his successors expanded the Mongol Empire, reaching Poland, Vietnam, Syria, and Korea. The empire broke up in the 14th century.

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