
Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, a renowned Muslim theologian and jurist passed away


Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal is a notable Islamic scholar who has been granted the title of Shaikh-ul-Islam (excellent Islamic scholar). He was an Imam in Fiqh, Hadith, and many other branches of Islamic law. In reality, he is the founder of one of the four Sunni schools of law's four schools or rites of Islamic legal knowledge (fiqh). According to several reports, Imam Ahmad made five Hajj pilgrimages to Makkah throughout his lifetime.

Imam Ahmad was born and reared in Iraq's capital, Baghdad. In the Islamic month of Rabi-ul-Awwal, 164 AH (780 AD), he was born. His father, Mohammad, died when he was thirty, and Imam Ahmad was reared as an orphan, which is why he learnt to be self-sufficient from boyhood.

As the goal of legal judgements, he proposed the notion of istislah (the best solution in the public interest). Taught that the written word of the Quran is superior to human interpretation, which led to a disagreement with Caliph al-Mamun over the caliph's ability to interpret religious books.

Argued that foundational writings, as interpreted by eminent scholars, and not caliphal proclamation, were the source of Islamic religious responsibilities. Believed that rather than being the source of the Islamic community's ideas, the caliph's responsibility was to act as its executor.

Islamic academics were to counsel and caution the governing elites in order to persuade them to follow and apply Islamic law. The current Islamic state of Saudi Arabia was founded on the basis of this politico-religious union. The Musnad is his compilation of customs.

After a short illness of nine days, Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal passed away on Friday, 12 Rabi-ul-Awwa, 241 AH (857 AD approximately), in Baghdad, Iraq, at the age of 77. Additionally, he is buried in Baghdad, according to Abu Al-Hasan Al-Marwadhi.

According to reports, around one million people attended his Janazah Salah (Funeral Prayer), of whom 60,000 were women. On the day of the Imam's burial, 20,000 Christians and Jews reportedly converted to Islam, according to historians.

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