
Battle of Arsuf was Fought between Ayyubids and King Rchard I

Battle of Arsuf 1191

On this day, 07 September 1191 AD, the The Battle of Arsuf was fought between king Rechard I and the Ayyubid forces led by Saladin Ayyubi, during the Third Crusade (1189-1192).

After sieging Acre in July 1191, Crusader soldiers headed south. Richard the Lionheart planned to seize Jaffa before Jerusalem. Richard prepared the march deliberately after the Crusader defeat at Hattin. Troops stayed near the coast to support operations.

The troops only marched in the morning to avoid noon heat and sought water-rich campsites. Richard departed Acre in tight formation, with infantry guarding his cavalry and baggage train. Saladin watched Richard's troops as the Crusaders moved. He harassed Richard's flanks to break up the unruly Crusaders.

Saladin planned to harass Crusaders and fake withdrawals from here. Richard's army was eventually driven into the sea by the Ayyubids. Crusaders travelled 6 miles to Arsuf on September 7. Richard urged his soldiers to resume their defensive marching line when he spotted Saladin. The Templars and Hospitallers left in a van.

Finally, Saladin's men launched spear, javelin, and arrow attacks. The relentless, bloody barrage injured many Englishmen. Richard I waited till the appropriate time to attack. He anticipated Saladin's men would tyre, making the English attack stronger. Saladin's frequent attacks weren't doing as much damage as he planned, but Richard's army charged, overwhelming the Muslim forces after their third surge of strikes.

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