
Famous English Quotations of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

The Last Message of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan for the Students of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU)

Oh My Dear Children,

You have reached the particular stage and remember one thing that when I undertook the task, there was criticism all around against me. Abuses were hurled upon me, Life has become so difficult for me that I aged before my age. I lost my hair, my eyesight, but not my vision. My vision never dimmed. My determination never failed. I built this institution for you and I am sure, you will carry the light of this institution far and wide till darkness disappears from all around.

Happy Sir Syed Day 

Thoughts and Quotations of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in English 

Note: We made these Postcard of Sir Syed Quotations in English for Social media purpose, which you can share on your Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, LinkedIn, and etc.
Happy Sir Syed Day 2022

1. About Sir Syed Ahmed Khan 

Sir Syed made significant contributions to the fields of knowledge of religion, law, history, and politics in addition to his work in education and social change. He penned a number of books, contributions to journals, and essays on a variety of topics. Sir Syed is remembered today not just by Indians and Pakistanis, but by people from all over the world. He passed away on March 27, 1898, and his burial place at AMU is right adjacent to the grand mosque.

2. “Do not show the face of Islam to others; instead show your face as the follower of true Islam representing character, knowledge, tolerance and piety”. - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

3. “When a nation becomes devoid of arts and learning, it invites poverty. And when poverty comes brings its wake thousands of crimes". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

4. “All human beings are our brother and sisters. Working for their welfare is obligatory for Muslims". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
5. “The first requisite for the progress of a nation is the brotherhood and unity amongst sections of the society". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

6. “Do not show the face of Islam to others; instead show your face as the follower of true Islam representing character, knowledge, tolerance and piety". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

7. “To the Muslim community Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was and is like the eye which weeps for the suffering of any and every part of the body". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

8. “What we are not ashamed to do before god, we should not fear to do before our fellowmen". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

9. “Nothing is more disgraceful for any nation than to throw into the oblivion its historical heritage and the works of its ancestors".  - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

10. “We (Hindus and Muslims) eat the same crop, drink water from the same rivers and breathe the same air. As a matter of fact Hindus and Muslims are the two eyes of the beautiful bride that is Hindustan. Weakness of any one of them will spoil the beauty of the bride (dulhan)". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

11. “Idleness is a word the meaning of which is not rightly comprehended by the people. They think that abstaining from manual work, lack of alertness is doing labor and laziness in routine duties is all that idleness implies. However, they do not realize that The real idleness is the idleness of heart and mind".  - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

12. “A man should be upright, righteous and honest even while opposing his opponent ". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
13. “Remember that the words Hindu and Muslim are only meant for religious distinction: otherwise all persons who reside in this country belong to one and the same nation". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
14. “If we ignore that aspect of ours which we owe to God, both of us, on the basis of being common inhabitants of India, actually constitute one nation: and the progress of this country and that of both of us is possible through mutual cooperation". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
15. “Sons (of MAO college later AMU) shall go forth throughout the length and breadth of the land to preach the message of free inquiry, of large hearted toleration and of pure morality".  - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
16. “In our opinion just as the differences of religion which exist between the Musalmans and the Hindus ought not to prevent social dealings, mutual affection and love and sympathy between them, so also differences on political questions ought not to prevent social dealings, mutual affection and love and sympathy". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
17. “We (Hindus and Muslims) should try to combine our hearts and souls and act in unison. If united, we can sustain". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
18. “In our opinion just as the differences of religion which exist between the Musalmans and the Hindus ought not to prevent social dealings, mutual affection and love and sympathy between them, so also differences on political questions ought not to prevent social dealings, mutual affection and love and sympathy". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
19. “Ignorance is the mother of poverty". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
20. “Yes the main purpose of this college (MAO) is to impart modern education to Muslims who are suffering because of lack of it but this institution is for all, Hindus and Muslims alike. Both of them need education". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

21. “All the creatures of God have equal rights. No man is entitled to allow one particular race of men to obtain the good things of this world, and to bar the rest from participating in them, and it is the duty of the government to observe this divine law in all its integrity". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

22. “Get rid of old and useless rituals. These rituals hinder human progress". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
23. The first requisite for the progress of a nation is the brotherhood and unity amongst sections of the society". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
24. “Acquisition of knowledge of science and technology is the only solution for the problems of Muslims". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
25. “My advice to all of you is: Do only that which you believe (to be right) and do not do anything in (the rightness of) which you a not believe. This is real truthfulness and this is the only thing on which depends success in both the worlds". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
26. “We believe that the righteous and pious people, to whatever religion or community they might belong, deserve our respect in the same way as the righteous people of our own religion". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
27. “Look forward, learn modern knowledge, and do not waste time in studies of old subjects of no value". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
28. “I wish that youth of India should follow the example of young men and women of England who are religiously engaged in the hard work of industrial development of their country (During the stay of Sir Syed in England)". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
29. “Call me by whatever names you like. I will not ask you for my salvation. But please take pity of your children. Do something for them (send them to the school), lest you should have to repent (by not sending them)". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
30. “National progress is the sum total of the individual's labor, honor, honesty and sympathy. Similarly, national downfall is the cumulative result of the individual's laziness, dishonor, dishonesty, selfishness and other weaknesses of character". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
31. Ijtihad (innovation, re-interpretation with the changing times) is the need of the hour. Give up taqlid (copying and following old values)". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
32. “Man himself is his own greatest teacher". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
33. “I have said it many times and I say it again that India is like a beautiful bride blessed by two attractive eyes-the Hindus and the Muslims". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
34. “I hope you will try to set an example in both scholarly pursuits and the practice of Islam. Only then will our community be honored and respected". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
35. “It is the first and foremost duty of all the well-wisher of the country to strive for the welfare of all people irrespective of any consideration of caste or or religion". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
36. “All human beings are our brothers and sisters. Working for their welfare is mandatory for Muslims".  - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
37. “We should not (by remaining ignorant and illiterate) tarnish the image of our able elders". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
38. “It is the categorical verdict of all the nations and great seers of the world that national progress depends on education and training (of the people)". - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

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